Mailart and correspondence art call:

The idea is to create a fictional city of the distant future known as the Metropolis of Destructon through original mail art and correspondence art. Techniques can be illustration, collage, graphic design, artistamp, sequential art, xerox-art, printmaking, poetry or pros. The subject matter is open but should add some element to expanding this fictional city. All submissions are through the mail and should be scanable for presentation on

All submissions will receive a return correspondence from:
Mr. Sparrow, Postmaster General M.o.D.

Deadline for submissions: Open as of July 2019


167A Campbell Avenue
North Bay, Ontario, Canada

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Roxanne Clark, Louisville KY, USA

click pic to enlarge, and read
Word on the street, 2008
collage and wax crayon
6" x 4"

The V-eights and other grow-op gangs have become very active in Destructon. Many of the average working class wouldn't even know what fruit and veg tastes like if not for their efforts. And they do it with great risk. Penalties are extreme even for possession of hydro-kits, in some cases it can be a life term of Civil Labour Camp. Corporate run police agencies like Epipharm's gendarmerie H.I.U.* use high tech equipment to detect off gassing from fertilizers used in hydro gardens. The very real threat is the increase and popularity of IVbars and mainline juicing!
- Mr. Sparrow, Postmaster General M.o.D.

* Hydroponic Intervention Unit

Metropolis of Destructon topograph, 2008
pen & ink with rubber stamp and perforations
4 1/2" x 6"

1. Japan Today: Intravenous Vitamin Mix Bar Alleviate Stress, Aging

2. Tenteki10, Drop-in IV drip therapy

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